Upupupup Hello boys and girls! This is Monokuma! Here to tell you about my amazing animation! Not really I wish Monobear was here because he was one of my favorite characters in this despair filled anime because he was always so cheery! So today we bring you a popular anime which is also a video game that many people I know love! Dangan Ronpa is despair itself because the people who are trapped are to kill their classmates in order to escape the school but there's a catch! Monobear will not allow that! In order to graduate you must kill one of your classmates and not get caught. They have a classroom trail and if you are caught you will be killed by Monobear but! If your classmates don't get that its you who killed that person then you will be killed instead and the murderer gets to walk free on the outside. Some may think 'why don't they just leave the school?' Good question! The school is sealed shut by many steel bolts! and there is no way out which is kind of sad.... A few of my favorite characters died... Actually only 6 characters survive the whole thing and get out of the school alive! They catch the mastermind behind everything and in the final classroom trial they have the mastermind put to death (Which was fine because the mastermind just wanted to feel despair and being put to death was the ultimate thing to him/her) I will not say who the mastermind is or which characters died or stayed alive because that would ruin the game and anime for you! I will say this 16 people came to the school alive and only 6 made it out alive and Monobear is not happy that he lost to a group of children. The outside world may hold truths to what was said inside the school but they may not want to find out what truly has happened I will also say this the main character is the 'hope' that they all look for. The Classroom trials are brutal everyone has to suspect everyone while the murderer tries to get your attention away from them and blame someone else for what has happened to everyone. At the same time they have a certain amount of time to investigate the crime scene and try to discover what has truly happened in that time and who the culprit could of been. If your into Crime shows I'm certain you'll enjoy Dangan Ronpa. The murders are also brutal and fit the person their meant for, in other words things that person are good at, okay I going to spoil the first one Leon was the first murderer and he was found guilty he is the 'Super duper high school baseball player' so his punishment was a million baseball flying at him and he was chained to a post and monokuma was hitting them at him so he died. That how a lot of the punishments are and some are kind of trippy. Sadly so many innocent lives were lost and at the end of the anime they get the shock of their lives Spolier! At the end they learn they all have amnesia and that they been at the school for 2 years they were the ones who locked themselves inside because the outside world was in so much despair that people where killing each other so the children made the school into a shelter. which they forgot about they were all class mates and really special students in their own ways so they were actually killing their friends the whole time while they thought no one knew each other that they were all perfect strangers. Wrong! and Monobear enjoyed the looks on their faces when they learned the truth about how they all killed their best friends! That is why this anime is so full of despair. I know I said I wouldn't give away any details but I did spoiler warnings! It was killing me that I had to keep a lot of it quiet! Plus with more information the more likely people are to watch it! I love this anime with all my heart and soul this one is actually my favorite. I learned about this in my anime club. I hope all of you who read this like it also. Also remember if your in despair never despair alone! Fine someone to bring down with you! I hope you all enjoy all the betrayal that is located throughout this anime! Oh and one more spoiler. Their were 16 students traped the whole time but they only knew of 15 one of them was working for Monobear actually I should say 'There were two despairs in the school' Can you figure out from the pictures who was hiding the whole time?